Do Clear Aligners Work?

One common question we get from patients is do clear aligners work? If given a choice, what would you wear on your teeth? Clear aligners or braces? If your choice is clear aligners, you are not alone. Clear aligners have become increasingly popular over the past few decades as a practical option for teeth straightening or realignment. The first clear aligner product that was made is Invisalign. It was invented in 1998 by Align Technology. Since then, other products have been made and introduced into the market. This article will look at clear aligners and whether they are as effective as we’re made to believe. What Are Clear Aligners? Clear aligners are plastic trays that are near invisible when worn. Clear aligners provide discreet straightening for the teeth – a significant step from the conventional metal braces. For over a century, metal braces were considered the standard way to improve teeth alignment. Clear aligners have been in use for at least two deca...