Do Clear Aligners Work?

 One common question we get from patients is do clear aligners work?

If given a choice, what would you wear on your teeth? Clear aligners or braces?

If your choice is clear aligners, you are not alone. Clear aligners have become increasingly popular over the past few decades as a practical option for teeth straightening or realignment. 

The first clear aligner product that was made is Invisalign. It was invented in 1998 by Align Technology. Since then, other products have been made and introduced into the market. 

This article will look at clear aligners and whether they are as effective as we’re made to believe.

What Are Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners are plastic trays that are near invisible when worn. Clear aligners provide discreet straightening for the teeth – a significant step from the conventional metal braces. For over a century, metal braces were considered the standard way to improve teeth alignment. 

Clear aligners have been in use for at least two decades and counting. Also, their capabilities have improved over the years. Modern clear aligners can now be used to correct several dental issues, including:

  • Crossbites
  • Crooked teeth
  • Overbites
  • Overjets
  • Diastema or teeth gaps
  • Underbites

How Effective Are Clear Aligners For Teeth Straightening?

Clear aligners are highly effective in teeth straightening. They also work well as conventional braces in most cases. 

In addition, clear aligners sometimes provide faster treatment than braces due to the special force they apply to the teeth.

However, it is worth mentioning that clear aligners have a few limitations. They are not very effective in treating orthodontic conditions caused by poor positioning of the jaws. 

On the other hand, clear aligners are highly effective on poor teeth alignment caused by wrong positioning of the teeth.

How Do Clear Aligners Work?

Clear aligners work almost the same way as conventional metal braces. However, the aligner tray is rigid and applies a constant precision force on the patient’s teeth, moving them slowly to a better alignment.

Unlike conventional metal braces attached permanently, clear aligner trays are designed to be removable. So, this limits the treatment’s impact on your routine since you can take them out before eating or to clean your mouth. That’s another benefit of clear aligners.

To enjoy maximum benefits, you should wear your clear aligners for about 20 – 22 hours daily. At the beginning of treatment, your dentist will take a digital scan/image of your teeth. 

With these images, they will create a computer model of your teeth. Your aligner trays will then be designed based on this model. These aligner trays that you’ll wear throughout your treatment.

You’ll wear each set of aligners for at least two weeks before switching to a new set of aligners. Each new set of aligners pushes your teeth closer to the precise alignment. 

Treatment with clear aligners takes at least a year. Minor dental issues can be resolved within six months, while severe problems might take two years.

Benefits Of Teeth Straightening Using Clear Aligners

There are several benefits of straightening your teeth using clear aligners instead of traditional metal braces. These include:

  • Easy removal of aligners when needed
  • Lesser risk of damaging soft tissues in the mouth
  • You can show off your teeth confidently as they become better aligned. 
  • It provides an easy and discreet way to straighten your teeth.

Beam Clear Aligners

At Beam, our mission is to make dental care more affordable and accessible to all Australians. That’s why our clear aligners are the most affordable solution for improving your smile. Best of all we offer two simple ways to pay. 

Once you have purchased your Beam impression kit and approved your Beam Clear Aligner treatment plan the next step in your smile journey is to purchase your Beam Clear Aligners to achieve your dream smile. 

We offer flexible clear aligner pricing plans as outlined below. We are offering $700 OFF our Single Payment plan for a limited time. All Payment Plans Include Free Teeth Whitening & One Set of Retainers for Post Treatment. Valued at $240. Beam clear aligner pricing is $2149. 

If you have any additional questions on doing clear aligners work you can contact us at or visit


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