What Are Clear Aligners?

 Clear aligners are a modern way to straighten the teeth without the need for braces. Clear aligners are very efficient at correcting mild to moderate dental issues. So efficient that they have become the go-to straightening option for most adults.

Clear aligners work the same way as orthodontic braces. They shift your teeth into the right position. However, this doesn’t happen all at once. The shifting process occurs gradually. 

One key difference to other options is that clear aligners don’t use brackets and wires. Also, you don’t have to visit your dentist regularly for adjustment. Instead, you’ll get a replacement approximately every two weeks. Every new set of clear aligners that you wear maps a new position for your teeth to shift into.

To enjoy the full benefits of clear aligners you’ll need to wear them for 22 hours daily.

Clear aligners are the ideal solution for mild to moderate versions of the above conditions. Our expert dental team will be able to advise whether you are suitable for clear aligner treatment. You can take our free 30-second assessment to see if you qualify. to know more visit the website https://trybeam.com.au/


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