How to remove clear aligners
While clear aligner treatment time is typically much faster than braces, it’s nevertheless still important that you make your clear aligner treatment time as comfortable as possible. Here are a couple of tips from our dental team on how to remove clear aligners.
- Ensure that your mouth is warm
It helps if the inside of your mouth and your fingers are warm and drier. You can also try opening your mouth for a few seconds before trying to remove them.
Start from the back
First, take off the clear aligners from the molars on each side, and then move gradually towards the front. In some cases, you may find it easier to work from one side of the mouth to the other. If you have an attachment, then you’ll find it a bit more difficult to remove the aligner. Begin by lifting off the easier parts, and get to those bits last. When you get to the harder bits, hook your fingernails beneath the edge of the aligner and lift it over the attachment.
A paper towel helps
Many people have discovered that thick paper towels create a firm grip on the aligner. Grab a piece of kitchen paper or paper towel in your hand, put it over your tooth, make a firm grasp on the aligner and pull off the molars. Do the same for the opposite side and also the front section. The firm grip makes a very huge difference in some cases.
Surgical gloves may help
It has also been reported that surgical gloves can make your grip on the aligners firmer, although not the thick rubber gloves that are used for house chores. What you need are the fine types that you purchase in boxes of 50 or 100. With these, you can feel what you are doing, and increase the grip as well.
Try an aligner hook
Word on the street is that aligner hooks are available on Amazon and are known as an outie. They look just like a crochet hook but are designed for lifting clear aligners. The aligner hook attaches under the edge of the clear aligner and lifts it off the tooth. People with attachments will find it very helpful.
Our recommendation
Beam always recommends starting from the back tooth right on the inside of your mouth. with your finger, “flick” the tray downwards. The tray will be released, and it’ll be easier to hold on to it. This should be done on both sides of the mouth. after you’ve released the tray, you then take hold of both sides and pull it down and forward over each tooth — this should be done gently.
Try not to pull your aligners forcefully. Pulling it off with force can tear the aligner or cause the attachments to break off your teeth. You may wiggle the trays gently in overcrowded or difficult areas. visit the website to know more.
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